When It’s Too Hot for Clothes

laser hair removal

Well the last few days have been a bit of a scorcher! You know it’s hot when you keep on taking off layers of clothes, […]

What’s Stopping You?

laser treatments

Whether you’ve been umming and ahhing about laser hair removal for a while, or it’s never crossed your mind – What’s stopping you from just […]

Treat Yourself Like a Queen

laser hair removal treatments

With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations coming up next week, we thought we would encourage you all to celebrate – Celebrate you!  Why not treat […]

Move More With Laser Hair Removal

laser hair removal

The weather has been a bit hit and miss, but generally around this time of year we start to see warmer temperatures and a bit […]

Smooth Laser Clinic Turns 1!

smooth laser clinic

This week it is our 1st Birthday here at Smooth Laser Clinic! We have had such a fantastic first year in our Horndean clinic, and […]

Spring Forward! 


Remember – The clocks go forward an hour this weekend!  We might be losing an hour with the clock change on Saturday, but with it […]