Facial Laser Hair Removal: What You Need To Know

Unwanted hair can be a real source of discomfort and even embarrassment for some. Some people might feel unaffected by hair in certain places, but for others it can really knock their self-confidence. 

Of course, there are some parts of our bodies that we can hide away if we feel a bit self-conscious about unwanted hair. But for some people, this unwanted hair is on their face – Which makes it trickier to hide!  

Here at Smooth Laser Clinic we are really passionate about helping give that confidence back to people who feel they are held back by unwanted facial hair. 

Facial laser hair removal is one of our most popular treatments here at our Horndean clinic, so we thought we would share some more information and answer some frequently asked questions here on the blog for anyone who might be contemplating laser hair removal on their face. 

Here are the answers to those burning questions! 

Q: Does facial laser hair removal hurt?

A: The comfort of our clients during treatments is really important to us. Generally speaking, the intensity of the laser when you first start treatment is lower which means there is very little discomfort. This also gives you a chance to get used to the feeling as the intensity builds up over your sessions. 

Any discomfort you might experience tends to be low-level and over quickly. Some people have likened it to being pinged by a warm elastic band. 

We completely understand that pain may be a real concern to you, and want to help reassure you. If you are very worried, then you can purchase numbing cream to help reduce any sensitivity, and cooling gel to soothe the area after. 

Q: Is facial laser hair removal effective?

A: The lasers we use here at Smooth Laser Clinic are extremely effective at treating various skin types and tones. These lasers are capable of permanently removing unwanted hair, and certainly significantly reducing regrowth.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the darker the hair, the more likely the laser hair removal treatment will be effective, as it’s the pigment in the hair that the laser responds to. Clients with blonde, red or grey facial hair may still be able to see some reduction in hair, but likely not as much as those with darker hair. 

Q: Is facial laser hair removal permanent?

A: As with all laser hair removal treatments, we will recommend a schedule of sessions (usually 6-8 sessions, 6 weeks apart from each other) to significantly reduce and remove hair and prevent regrowth. This schedule of sessions will enable us to target the hair follicles at various stages of growth, resulting in the best possible results. We also recommend top-up sessions every 6 months to a year to keep any rogue hairs at bay. 

Q: Is there anything I need to do to prepare for facial laser hair removal?

A: It’s really important to avoid exposure to the sun for 7 days before your laser hair removal treatment. You should wear sun cream if you are going out in the sun, but try to avoid it as much as you can. You should also not do any physical activity that raises your body temperature at least 2 hours before your treatment session. Always make sure that you let your technician know if you are on any prescription medication – It is a good idea to check with your GP whether the medicine can increase photosensitivity. Following this advice means you are less likely to experience any adverse reaction. 

Q: Do I have to shave the area of my face I am having laser hair removal treatment on?

A: In order to get the best possible results from your facial laser hair removal treatment, we do recommend shaving the area first. This is because the more hair that is above the skin, the higher the chance of an adverse reaction. It’s also important that the hair follicle and root is intact for the laser to work, meaning waxing or tweezing isn’t an option. 

Q: How long does an appointment take for facial laser hair removal?

A: It does depend on the area of the face you are having treated, but generally speaking facial laser hair removal treatments can take less than 20 minutes. 

Q: Are there any post-treatment effects after having facial laser hair removal?

A: Most people experience some slight redness and perhaps a bit of swelling immediately after the treatment – A little bit like mild sunburn. This doesn’t tend to last long in most people, and can be soothed with calamine or aloe vera gel. After a couple of days, you may notice that the hair will start to shed and fall out. After 12 hours post-appointment, you can exfoliate the area to help things along. 

Q: Is there anything I can do to make my facial laser hair removal treatment more effective?

A: The best way to make your laser hair removal treatment as effective as possible is to follow all the guidance we will give you, both prior to your treatment session and afterwards. 

Q: Are there any side effects from facial laser hair removal?

A: Thankfully, side effects following laser hair removal are really uncommon (if you do as you are told and avoid things like sunshine and gym sessions immediately before and after!) 

It’s possible, in rare cases, that permanent discolouration can occur but this is usually down to not following things properly. If you are to experience any adverse reaction following treatment, such as prolonged redness and swelling, blistering or an allergic type reaction, then it’s very important to call the clinic to ask for advice or seek medical guidance. 

The most common reason for adverse reactions following laser hair removal is when the treatment area has been exposed to the sun prior to the session. It is so important to be honest when you disclose how much, if any, sun exposure you have had so the technician can give you the best advice and keep you safe. Being honest will decrease the chances of having an adverse reaction to the treatment. 

Any more questions? If there is something we’ve missed that you would like to know, then please don’t hesitate to give us a call and have a chat over the phone. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions or assuage any worries you may have. 



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